Ensure your event is the safest place for your guests

CHS provides a medical team on standby ready to look after attendees at community events.

Request event coverage
How does it work?

Equipped, ready and waiting

CHS allocates equipped Healthcare Professional or Advanced First Responder volunteers to provide standby support at community events. This ensures an immediate medical response should an incident occur.

Request CHS for your event

Frequently asked questions

What does CHS Event Medical Coverage include?

Upon receiving a request to provide coverage for your event, we will conduct a risk assessment and notify you if we recommend the allocation of trained and equipped CHS personnel. If personnel are allocated to your event, we will send 2-3 equipped and trained volunteer healthcare professionals or advanced first responders to be on standby for the duration. We will liaise with the event manager in the lead up to discuss all the finer details such as positioning and location of our volunteers, to ensure it is most effective and fits in with your event plans.

Does CHS cover every event requested?

No. We will conduct a thorough risk assessment prior to every event. This will include having discussions with, and gathering specific information from the event manager. Our risk assessment and decision-making process is endorsed by our Clinical Advisory Committee. If the risk of your event is deemed to be ‘low’ and we will not be allocating CHS personnel to your event, we will provide you with specific, tailored recommendations to keep your attendees safe, as well as providing you and your team with the details to contact our 24/7 Emergency Medical Response hotline (1300 247 679) in case you do require assistance at the event.

Is there a cost for CHS to attend my event?

No. Thanks to the generous support of our donors and benefactors, as well as the generosity of our volunteers dedicating their time and energy to keep our community safe, there is no cost associated with CHS allocating personnel to your community event. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to CHS in appreciation of the service received, please let us know.

What do I need to provide to have CHS at my event?

We ask that you please provide the following for our onsite medical team:
- Parking space if parking is not easily available nearby
- If food is being served, Kosher catering for the team
- Mention CHS in any PR/marketing of the event (please discuss this with us)

Do I need medical coverage at my event?

If in doubt, get in touch with us! We are more than happy to provide guidance, advice and a risk assessment to assist you in the planning of your event. We appreciate every effort from the community to ensure attendees are kept safe and will support you however we can in this planning process.

Support our life saving mission

Your generosity will ensure we can continue to treat, advise, train and educate community members, certify and upskill our volunteers, and purchase first aid equipment to be used in the community.

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All donations are tax deductible